Our Services


Physiotherapy Appointments

Acute pain, chronic pain, and general Physiotherapy Appointments

Get moving again, and move well. Contact us and our team will assist you in finding the practitioner best suited for your needs. Read more about Our Team here. All appointments and intake process are booked through email.

Dance Physiotherapy

Indepth, helpful + essential for a dancer's training

Physiotherapy for dancers looking for specialized treatment by knowledgeable, experienced practitioners. Assess, measure + track your progress as you recover or prevent further injuries.

Clinical Pilates

Due to COVID restrictions we are currently offering only Private session options for increased mobility, flexibility, and overall fitness conditioning

Our comprehensive and highly-trained instructors will lead you through Clinical Pilates classes, which can be billed as Physiotherapy Classes.

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Conditioning Programs

On-going conditioning + sport-specific programs you can do inside or outside the studio.

Work with us to tailor a program specific to your needs. Cross-training, strength conditioning, and sport-specific exercises.

Flexibility Program

Customized training program for healthy and safe flexibility + mobility

Through thorough assessment, exercise, and appropriate treatment - work to safely increase or manage flexibility. Increase safety and deepen understanding of hypermobility and what it might take to increase your movement.

Dance Studio Workshops

Host a Physiotherapist at your studio for a customized group workshop

Bring a Physiotherapist into your dance studio for a customized workshop, increase your students knowledge, awareness, anatomy & more (COVID protocol/regulations will apply)

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Anatomy Workshops

Essential learning for anyone Interested In bones & joints and how they function

Custom courses, hosted in our clinic or we can arrange to come to you (COVID protocol/regulations will apply/affect workshops)

Free Videos!

Owner & Director Dani West has created a YouTube channel that might be helpful: “ your patient education station!”

Created with patients and other physiotherapists in mind, this YouTube channel might have some tips and tricks you will find helpful!