Flexibility Programs
Safe, proven, effective. Increase your flexibility under expert supervision with a Physiotherapists’ guidance, understanding, and assistance.
To book please email us to begin the intake process.
We believe in safe, effective and PAIN-FREE approaches to flexibility.
Do you have a dancer that has been getting frustrated about their lack of flexibility? Have they been stretching regularly with minimal gains in their range of motion? We can help.
A note from Owner/Director Dani West on flexibility and acro:
The world of Acro, back walk-overs, bridges, etc. is becoming more and more prevalent in the dance community, with “tricks” appearing in recitals, solos, etc. And with those tricks, comes a higher demand and pressure to achieve insane (yes INSANE) levels of flexibility. As a Physiotherapist and a dance-specific physio, I must share:
You do NOT and SHOULD NOT have to experience pain when trying to increase your flexibility.
You should NOT FORCE any joint into any position when trying to achieve more range of motion
Just because you CAN, DOES NOT mean you SHOULD. Hypermobility is a huge issue in the dance and gymnastics world and these types of bodies are at HIGH risk for instabilities. Usually these types of bodies need to strengthen more rather than stretch more.
Growing bodies should NOT be forced into repetitive extreme ranges of motion.(ie: sitting in oversplits everyday is NOT recommended). This will affect the development of joint sockets and tissues around same. If they are not able to form properly because of repetitive and EXTREME stretching, they will lead to instability down the road (ex. Hip dysplasia, pain, etc.)